English version is under construction
Something about the german "Vereinswesen" or club system in advance for those who are not familiar with it:
In the german culture a "Verein" of club is an organisation of people who share the same interests such as collecting stamps, taking fotos, conserving nature or performing sports. A "Verein" has a management and might get financial or ideational support by other local or regional administrations on one side and might be sponsored by persons, shops, banks, companies etc. on the other side.
A relativley small membership fee is requested. On the other side it is expected that each member does not only consume in the "Verein" but voluntarily takes some work or responsibility - such as selling food on club or city events, maintaining the club facilities, supporting junior members, helping the club administration etc. .
TV Derendingen (TVD) is a sports club which was founded in 1900 and offers a variety of different sports in and the vicinity of Tübingen. Up to now the TVD has about 1400 members in five departments: basketball, football, tennis, table tennis und gymnastics plus volleyball and track & field.
We offer sports in the range from first time starters and take part in competitive local and regional sports events.
The Freundeskreis, which is supporting the TVD completes the various oportunities within and around the 'Verein'. Moreover have a quick look at our little Fanshop.
Please feel free to contact someone of the club administration.
Have fun while surfing on our homepage!